LEAP Partnership Award

LEAP Partnership award graphic

LEAP Partnership Award

The Forensic Research Committee of the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors is proud to announce the ASCLD FRC LEAP Partnership Award (formerly the LEAP Collaboration Award).  The goal of the award is to recognize an outstanding partnership between collaborating LEAP partners (Laboratories, Academia, and Industry Partners).

To be eligible you/your organization must be a LEAP Partner with a collaborative partnership and have submitted information pertaining to the success of your partnership. The FRC will request submissions from collaborating LEAP Partners but self-nomination email submissions are also allowed. Email submissions should be sent to ASCLDFRC@gmail.com with “ASCLD FRC LEAP Partnership Award” as the subject line.

The winning partnership will be recognized at the ASCLD Annual Symposium and they will receive an award plaque highlighting their successful and impactful LEAP partnership.

Past Winners:

 2024 FRC LEAP Partnership Award: West Virginia University & New Jersey State Police Office of Forensic Sciences for “Strengthening Scientific Foundations for Advancing Best Practices in the Collection, Storage, Analysis, and Interpretation of Organic and Inorganic Gunshot Residues”.

 2022 FRC LEAP Collaboration Award: NYSP Crime Laboratory System & University of Illinois at Chicago for the project, “Wild and Domesticated Touch DNA.”

2021 FRC LEAP Collaboration Award: John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the New York Police Department for the project, “Non-destructive DNA recovery from handwritten documents using a dry vacuum technique.”

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