
Get Involved!

At the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD), we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence in forensic science and crime laboratory management. As part of our ongoing efforts to further these goals, we are always seeking passionate individuals to join our committees and contribute to the advancement of our profession.

Why Volunteer for an ASCLD Committee?

  • Make a Difference: Joining a committee allows you to play an active role in shaping the future of forensic science and crime laboratory operations.
  • Professional Development: Gain valuable experience, expand your network, and enhance your skills through committee involvement.
  • Collaboration: Work alongside fellow professionals who share your dedication to excellence and innovation in the field.


ASCLD relies heavily on the volunteer efforts of its membership.  ASCLD currently has 12 standing committees where members can volunteer to assist with the valuable work of ASCLD. 

  • Advocacy Committee: Advocate for policies and initiatives that support the interests of crime laboratories and forensic science professionals.
  • Communications Committee: Assist in enhancing ASCLD’s communication strategies and outreach efforts to members and the broader community.
  • Ethics & Bylaws Committee: Ensure adherence to ethical standards and review and recommend updates to ASCLD’s bylaws.
  • Finance Committee: Ensure the financial stability of ASCLD through the ongoing assessment and monitoring of ASCLD’s annual operating budget, investment portfolio, disbursements, contribution activities; and periodically develop, review, and/or modify financial and investment policy guidelines and financial performance benchmarks in support of ASCLD’s strategic plan.
  • Forensic Research Committee: Support and promote research initiatives that advance the science and practice of forensic analysis.
  • Member Resource Committee: Develop resources and programs to support the professional development and well-being of ASCLD members.
  • Membership Committee: Drive efforts to recruit and retain members, and enhance member engagement and satisfaction.
  • Nominating & Awards Committee: Identify and nominate candidates for leadership positions within ASCLD and oversee the awards process.
  • Sponsorship Committee: Cultivate relationships with sponsors and secure financial support for ASCLD initiatives and events.
  • Standards & Accreditation Committee: Promote the adoption of quality standards and accreditation processes in crime laboratories.
  • Symposium Planning Committee: Assist in the planning and execution of ASCLD’s annual symposium, a premier event in the forensic science community.
  • Training & Education Committee: Develop and deliver training programs and educational resources for forensic science professionals.

How to Volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering for a committee, we ask you to email Executive Director John Byrd ( Please indicate your committee preferences and include a brief statement outlining your qualifications and motivation for joining.

We encourage all members to contribute your expertise and passion to the advancement of forensic science and crime laboratory management.